SOURCES provides benefits planning and assistance to Social Security Administration (SSI/SSDI) beneficiaries who have a job offer, are about to start a new job, or are considering a promotion or a new job that will result in an increase in earnings.
These trained professionals are here to help you become self-sufficient, connect you with other agencies that can help with vocational training, and assist you with job placement.
The "Ticket to Work" and Work Incentives Improvement Act expand your choices for employment services, and provide you with help navigating SSA work regulations, rules and incentives.
What is WIPA?
The Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA) Program is a statewide service that helps you understand Social Security work incentive rules, and access work incentives available under the Supplemental Security Income and Social Security Disability Insurance Programs.
A WIPA coordinator can meet with you individually to discuss how returning to work will impact your SSA benefits, as well as recommend work incentives that can maximize your income and healthcare options, focused on achieving greater financial self-sufficiency.
What is Ticket to Work
If you are a Social Security Administration (SSA) beneficiary, you may be eligible to participate in the "Ticket to Work" program that allows you to choose from a list of providers (called "Employment Networks") to help you prepare for and land a job.
Employment Network services might include job training and education, assistance in identifying assistive technology, and support to identify and secure a career.
Participating in the Ticket to Work program is voluntary and is free of charge to the beneficiary.
Who is Eligible?
Individuals between the ages of 14 and full retirement age who are receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) due to a disability and/or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) who are employed or are considering employment.
Contact A CWIC
A-WIN staff also provide access to information on other Federal/State/Local programs as well as Social Security Work Incentives. Information regarding Medicaid/Medicare and alternative health insurance programs is available for beneficiaries needing guidance when determining healthcare needs.
The staff can provide assistance with assessing the beneficiary's current benefit situation, resolving work incentive issues, and exploring employment options.
More Questions?
If you have a general question about work incentives, or if you have questions about Ticket to Work, call the Help Line:
Help Line 1-866-968-7842
For TTY use 1-866-833-2967
Ticket to Work on the Web
Social Security on the Web
Protection & Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security
Protection and Advocacy assists SSA beneficiaries in overcoming discrimination and barriers to obtaining work, returning to work, or maintaining work. This includes barriers that impede access to vocational and rehabilitation services, barriers to employment and support services (including transportation) necessary to enter the workplace, and reasonable accommodation for your disability at your place of employment.
To contact PABSS call (800) 482-1174 or TTY (501) 986-1775.
SOURCES for Community Independent Living Services was awarded grant funding 1WIP15050417-01-00 from the Social Security Administration. The Social Security Administration provides 95% of the award and 5% is provided by Sources.
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